Doug Forrest

“Modern-Folk Art is what I call my work. Folk in the simplicity of technique, modern in the ability to create a wide range of images. The beauty is in the flaws. What’s old is now new. The wood in my studio often dictates what the next subject will be. A seasoned knot within a board may stare at me like a stallion, while ruffled patterns in the wood grain beg to take flight as birds of wooden feather. There is history in each piece, beginning with the stories ingrained in the wood gathered from vintage sources. The reincarnation of the wood as a final artwork brings a personal satisfaction in my contributing in a small way to the preservation of the Americana culture.”
Doug Forrest was raised and grown tall in the Fine Dairy State. A passion for art, music and theater has take him on a long and winding creative path as an artist, musician and actor.
1st stop: 1980’s Milwaukee music scene as font man for the regionally acclaimed band, Bon Ton Society.
Next stop: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Chicago’s Second City improvisational theater training.
Off to: London’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
Arriving at: A hit Broadway Show tour with Grand Hotel.
On too: A career as a performing singer/songwriter and studio artist in Texas.
Now playing: Door County, where he joins the case of Northern Sky Theater company in their Fall 2017 production of Naked Radio.
Returning to Door County, he brings not only a duffel of family vacation memories, but select artwork as well, as he is graciously invited to join the Edgewood Orchard Galleries artist list.
“The woodworking began out of a desire to create in a solo environment. As a musician or actor, one clearly loves the art of collaboration, yet waiting on a late drummer or a non-funned theatrical production has its creative limitations,” he explains. “Don’t get me wrong, “ he continues, “I love my drummer, but let’s just say, he doesn’t exactly run on Lombardi Time!”
A hand saw, hammer and brush are the instruments played in building the wooden wall sculptures. The artwork of Doug Forrest is featured in galleries and upscale retail along with custom works commissioned by interior designers and private collectors.