Justine Vannucci

About Justine
I always knew I wanted to own my own business, but just wasn’t sure just what it was going to be.
I learned how to make jewelry when I was 14. My mom’s friend made jewelry as a hobby, and decided she wanted to move on to painting tiles. I got her jewelry making supplies!
I went to college for fashion design
I have three cats
I live in South Philadelphia
I love green olives
I started this business because not only do I thrive working with my hands, but I noticed something when I graduated college and started getting “real” jobs. I was always used to expressing myself very externally with bright clothing and big, loud jewelry. Getting dressed was my favorite part of the day. Yet, in some of the work environments I experienced, I was either asked not to wear certain things, or was simply given the “judgy side eye”. During a stint doing production for another jeweler, I made a few pieces for myself that I felt were creative and unique, but totally appropriate to wear in any other workplace. Interest in this concept began to grow through word of mouth, and Vannucci ltd jewelry was born.
About the name
My grandfather, Putsee Salvatore Vannucci, was a first generation catholic Italian. He met my grandmother in the early 1940’s, but they were forced to elope, since she was from a local family that was protestant. They ran away to Maryland with their two best friends. Upon returning to Williamsport, PA they began making a living by opening a photography business – Vannucci Photo Services, which was run by my grandfather (and his brother) until the mid 90’s. He has even photographed every Little League World Series from its inception until his death in 2007. He got his big break by photographing flood destruction in 1946, and turned it into a book, but his interest in the art of photography stretched back to early high school. I am honored and humbled to carry on in the creative arts under the Vannucci name.